Hampton in Arden Public Transit Routes and Schedules

82 Coventry - Solihull 223 Solihull - Lea Marston via Coleshill, Water Orton West Midlands Trains Birmingham International - Rugby West Midlands Trains Birmingham New Street - Coventry West Midlands Trains Rugby - Birmingham New Street Lm:Bhm->Bhm LM train service from BHM to Bhm Lm:Bhm->Cov LM train service from BHM to Cov Lm:Bhm->Eus LM train service from BHM to Eus Lm:Bhm->Mkc LM train service from BHM to Mkc Lm:Bhm->Nmp LM train service from BHM to Nmp Lm:Cov->Bhm LM train service from COV to Bhm Lm:Eus->Bhm LM train service from EUS to Bhm Lm:Eus->Wsl LM train service from EUS to Wsl Lm:Mkc->Bhm LM train service from MKC to Bhm Lm:Nmp->Bhm LM train service from NMP to Bhm Lm:Rug->Bhm LM train service from RUG to Bhm Lm:Wvh->Cov LM train service from WVH to Cov Lm:Wvh->Eus LM train service from WVH to Eus Lm:Wvh->Mkc LM train service from WVH to Mkc Lm:Wvh->Nmp LM train service from WVH to Nmp West Midlands Trains Birmingham New Street - London Euston West Midlands Trains Birmingham New Street - Milton Keynes Central West Midlands Trains Birmingham New Street - Northampton West Midlands Trains Bletchley - Birmingham New Street West Midlands Trains Coventry - Birmingham New Street West Midlands Trains Rugby - Birmingham New Street