Easton Public Transit Routes and Schedules

1 Kent Island & Grasonville to Easton 4 Route 4 - Rock Hall - Chestertown - Centreville - Easton 5 Route 5 - Denton - Easton 6 Route 6 - Denton - Federalsburg - Preston - Easton 7 Route 7 - Greensboro - Denton - Easton 9 Route 9 - Cambridge - Trappe - Easton 9a Route 9A - Cambridge - Trappe - Easton 11 Route 11 - Cambridge - Secretary - East New Market - Hurlock - Preston - Easton 12 Route 12 - Chesapeake College Shuttle Denton - Easton AM Shuttle Saturday Denton - Easton Shuttle St. Michaels Shuttle D Route D Easton C Route C Easton