Leesburg Public Transit Routes and Schedules

54 Rt. 54 Safe T Ride 55 Exeter/Tuscrora/Walmart/Madison_House/Gov't_Ctr 56 Rust_Library/Ida_Lee/County_Complex 57 Village at Leesburg/Wegmans 62 Ashburn Connector 70 Rt 70 76 76-Shady Grove-Poolesville 80 Sugarland Run 82 Sterling Connector 322 Atlantic Connector - Innovation Station 323 Sterling - Innovation Station 331 Oneloudoun - Ashburn Metro Station - Quantum Park 332 Ashburn Metro Station - Oneloudoun - Potomac Green 333 Quantum - Pacific - Gateway 341 Ashburn Village 342 Ashburn Village 343 Ashburn Farm 344 Ashburn Farm 351 Leesburg 371 Moorefield 372 Westwind Farm 373 Broadlands 374 Brambleton (Creighton and Evergreen Ridge) 375 Brambleton (Evergreen Mills) 381 South Riding 382 Stone Ridge 391 Harmony 481 DC ALL Stops 482 Crystal City VIA Rosslyn AND Pentagon 483 DC ALL Stops 484 Harmony/Lburg/DTC P&R to Dc 881 Leesburg via DTC P&R 882 Leesburg via DTC P&R 883 Harmony 884 DC to DTC P&R/Lburg/Harmony 885 DC to Leesburg/Harmony 924 Dranesville Rd - Franklin Farm Stlch Courthouse Shuttle Silver Metrorail Silver Line Marc Brunswick - Washington