Topeka Public Transit Routes and Schedules

1 Oakland 1 #1 Oakland to Dillons North 2 North Kansas 2 #2 N Kansas to Dillons North Essential Trips Only 3 #3 E 6th to Downtown 3 #3 E 6th to Downtown 4 #4 California to Downtown 5 #5 Indiana to 33rd & Gage 5 #5 Indiana to Downtown 5 #5 Indiana to Downtown 6 #6 W 6th to Downtown 7 #7 Washburn to Downtown 10 West 10th 10 #10 W 10th to Downtown 10 #10 W 10th to West Ridge 10s 10 Special 10s 10 Special 10s2 10 Special #2 10s2 10 Special #2 12 #12 Huntoon to Downtown 12 #12 Huntoon to Downtown 12 #12 Huntoon to Walmart West 17 #17 W 17th to Downtown 17 #17 W 17th to Downtown 17 #17 W 17th to Walmart West 21 West 21st 21 #21 W 21st to Downtown 21 #21 W 21st to Downtown 21 #21 W 21st to West Ridge 29 #29 W 29th to Downtown 29 #29 W 29th to Downtown 29 #29 W 29th to Urish 80 G 81 G 82 R 83 G 84 G Greyhound Us0136 Dallas - St Louis Greyhound Us0180s Kansas City - Salina Greyhound Us1142 Dallas - Okhlahoma City - Kansas City Greyhound Us1200 St Louis - Denver - Las Vegas Mod 1 MOD-2 Shtl TRM Shuttle Southwest Chief